Is there a Correlation Between Spikes in Social Evolution and Cultures with the Alliance of Art + Science?

MA Art & Science students, showcase artwork exploring the question

The IDEOGRAPHIC collective – Six students from MA Art & Science have been invited for a 6 month Art + Science Residency at THECUBE London.

The collective have investigated examples of social evolution through history, and the factors, which led to spikes in growth and development. The students organised a series of exhibitions, discussions and talks, so called ‘Synapses’ to inform their research and trajectory during the residency.

The next Synapse ‘Change of State’, which marks the end of the residency is exploring the biology of human evolution.


Our societies can reduce limiting factors, we can protect the weak, outsource resources, reduce the brutal reality of natural selection. But if our collective solutions affect the process natural selection, how do we now adapt to changes in environment?

How has the brain evolved with technology? How does collective consciousness evolve, what does it require to thrive? Are we adapting now? Or are we, with new technology and global society, struggling to adopt patterns of behaviour inimical to human nature?

The Ideographic collective will be presenting work based on these ideas, and will also be hosting a round-table discussion. Along with participants from a broad range of disciplines in the arts and sciences, we will explore these concepts, and their relevance to the turbulent and frenetic pace of contemporary social evolution.

For more info about the artists visit:

Jared Vaughan Davis | Julius Colwyn | Mandy Hreus |

Marta Pinilla | Mary Helen Mack | Stephanie Herbert

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