Tranquil City Collaboration: 2019

Some of us teamed up with Tranquil City to create a workshop activity to be included in the Mayor of London’s National Park City Festival.

Tranquil City is a charitable organisation running ‘tranquil’ walks which encourage contemplation, discovery and an engagement with the local history and urban environment in London.

Specifically aimed at the local community in Newham, we asked participants to use words to co-create a skyline of the River Lea. We hoped participants would be able to write their thoughts, feelings and hopes in spaces earmarked for immanent development. The event took place in July at Cody Dock and again in the Olympic Park.

a photo of the River Lea with the words 'wellbeing and the national park city, Tranquil City, UAL, Codydock. Mayor of London, London National park City'.

Codydock Flyer, July 2019

a hand drawing words onto the rRver Lea skyline

Word Drawing at Codydock, 2019

a group of people leaning over and adding to the word-drawing

Olympic Park

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